Your Divine Gift We are gifted with a talent. Each and every one of us is good at something. We have talents and for the most part we can see our talents, but it’s our gift that makes us truly special. It’s our gift that needs to be nurtured and fed so that we can discover our true purpose for
The Saddest Thing I once heard it said that the saddest thing at a funeral isn’t the death of the body, but the death of all the dreams that never happened. Looking back on the life of my dear loved ones that are now looking down on me and watching me work towards my dreams and aspirations, I have to
Are you building your Field of Dreams? “If you build it they will come”. So what are you building and who is around supporting you? I’m not talking about going out and building a baseball stadium in the middle of a cornfield in Iowa. I am asking you to consider what action steps you are taking towards building the life
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