May 2018


The Power of a Smile

I was recently told that when you speak to someone you should always smile at them when they first approach you.  I tried it for a week and guess what I found out?  The more I smiled, the more I wanted to smile.  It was interesting at first I thought people would realize my smile was “fake”, but instead they
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The only person who allows someone to make you feel bad is you

Have you ever gotten caught up in the negative words or actions of another person?  Why is it we let other people often dictate how we feel?  We do this because we are worried about what others may think about us.  Once you realize that the only opinion that truly matters is what you think of yourself then you will
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Life will pay your price

Life will pay the price you ask.  The question is, what price are you asking it to pay you?  Are you earning what you truly want to earn?  Are you living in the house you want to live in?  Are you happy?  Truly happy? You see, life will pay the price you ask, the issue is most people only ask
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A vision, a goal and some paints

When I was growing up in Cincinnati, Ohio my parents always told me to work hard and you can accomplish anything you put your mind too!  My parents were partial right.  I was working hard, but the part that made my dreams come to fruition sooner wasn’t just my hard work it was a painting.  Sounds funny right?  How can
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