What is a Mastermind and why are they important

What is a MasterMind and why are they so important?

I’m sure if you’ve ever heard the word MasterMind you are probably thinking of an extremely intelligent person or perhaps even a swami who has all of the answers.  Well, in a sense that is exactly what a MasterMind is, except it’s a group of people that come together to come up with “all” the answers.

A MasterMind is a group of individuals that come together in support of each other and to help everyone in the group with their goal achievement.  They listen to what the entire group has to say, they add value to the lives of the members of the group by helping them with problem solving.  It’s like an “old-school” brain storming session, except no one is ever considered wrong and all ideas feed to a potential solution for the member of the group that is asking for help.  We used to have MasterMind type sessions when we were younger but for some reason as adults we were told to keep our ideas to ourselves for fear of someone else stealing our thoughts.  This competitive attitude has led to the demise of the MasterMind.

All the biggest and best entrepreneurs in history have used the MasterMind to help them with their successes: Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Bob Proctor and Sandra Gallagher.  Heck even Forbes writes articles on the importance of MasterMind Groups.  You see Napoleon Hill created the MasterMind name over 75 years ago, yet most people today still don’t get what they are all about.  Hill writes about it in his book, “Think and Grow Rich”.  It’s described best when Napoleon Hill says that the collective power of the mastermind helps to create a wisdom fair beyond your own.  The MasterMind is used to leverage multiple talents and abilities to become a greater power.  In this greater power of your collective group you can take your imagination to heights that you hadn’t achieved before by yourself.

With this being said, choose your MasterMind Partners carefully.  You want someone who will be supportive of your ideas, yet help you resolve issue or come up with new ideas for your business and life.  MasterMind Partners all benefit from each other’s success so they don’t feel they are competing against one another.  They feel they are creating together for the good of the entire group.  The group can consist of 2 people or 10 people.  I would advise against any groups larger than 10, because the idea is that everyone has a say and we are trying to keep the MasterMind meetings short and sweet (get the most bang for the least amount of time).  MasterMind meetings are effective ways to take your results to the next level.

If you haven’t been in a MasterMind Group, I would suggest starting one or ask to join an existing one to maximize your results.

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