Knowledge Is Power…..Or So They Say

Knowledge Is Power…..Or So They Say

Isn’t it interesting that anymore we are told go to school, get a degree and then get a good job.  Yet, what we are finding is that most people go to school, get a degree, graduate and can’t find a job.

Why is this?

We’ve explained the idea of knowledge incorrectly for years.  We have been telling most young adults that they should go to college and “just get your degree”.  Better yet, you will hear, “it doesn’t matter what your degree is, because you most likely won’t get a job in that area anyways”.  You see if you aren’t going to make a decision and do what you truly want from the beginning, are you really setting yourself up for success in life?  I get it, sometimes at 18, 19 0r 20 years of age you are still just trying to figure out what you want for dinner.  But this lack of decision will continue to carry through for the rest of their lives as well.  Being decisive is about making a decision even in the face of fear or doubt.

If you struggle making decisions think back to major events in your life, did someone else decide what you should or should do (or what you should or shouldn’t study at college)?  Take power in knowing that you have the ability and the knowledge to make decisions in your life.  Once you take control of the decision making process you take control of your life.  Acting in spite of fear allows you to begin to experience freedom and freedom will lead to joy and gratitude. The more joyful and grateful you are; the more goodness will continue to show up in your life.  So based on this, I ask you again, what kind of knowledge do you possess?

Decide what you want to do with your life and take action steps towards the life you truly desire.

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