September 2018


Every Action Tells A Story

Whether we realize it or not, everything we do tells a story.  We’ve heard the expression, “we’re creatures of habit”.  I’d say this is true and I believe all of our habits and actions tell the world who we really are.  Our actions tell stories of what we heard growing up, what we saw as young children, and how we
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What to do when nothing works? Quit!  Seriously, step away and give yourself some time to process what is going on.  Don’t quit completely, unless stopping is the only option.  It’s okay to take a breath and begin to think differently.  It’s like Einstein said, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."  So if you feel like you’re spinning
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Say What?

What did you just say? Did you actually hear the words coming out of your mouth?  Do you really think your stupid, or ugly or you can’t accomplish the task you are going after? If you don’t actually believe the things you are saying, then why in the heck are you saying them? Why do you keep repeating negative and self-destructive behavior? 
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Thriving After A Monsoon

I lived in Arizona for a few years and loved it.  There is something about the desert that makes you appreciate nature.  It’s amazing to me how so many plants and animals not only survive in the desert, but they actually thrive it the hot, dry climate.  They are able to find and sustain themselves on a few drops of
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