Fitness Challenge

If you have been following me or if you know me, you know that I like to workout.  I actually enjoy it.  I might not always love it during the moment of the workout itself, but afterwards I feel awesome.  Working out helps to keep me thinking straight.  It’s my stress relief and it makes me feel like I can conquer the world.  If you aren’t an avid fitness fanatic or you don’t know where to start then try to find a fitness video on YouTube.  There are plenty of workouts that are great for all fitness levels.

Let me get my disclaimer out first, if you haven’t worked out or have health issues please consult your physician before beginning any exercise routine.  So, now let’s get the challenge started.

Every time you walk into the bathroom try to do 20 squats.  Before you sit on the couch or a chair, find a place and do 10 push-ups.  Before you can watch a tv program do 30 high knees, and every time you change the channel to channel surf do 30 butt kickers.  What you will notice from these activities is that you will get in a lot of extra exercises throughout the day and you will probably break some habits you didn’t realize you had.

Start today!  You might be a little sore tomorrow, but you will be glad you are becoming more active.

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