What did you just say? Did you actually hear the words coming out of your mouth?  Do you really think your stupid, or ugly or you can’t accomplish the task you are going after?

If you don’t actually believe the things you are saying, then why in the heck are you saying them? Why do you keep repeating negative and self-destructive behavior?  It’s because you aren’t actually thinking before you speak.  You are repeating engrained behavior you either learned from watching and listening to your parents or you’re allowing outside influences to affect the way you think and speak.

Some great advice to follow is to stop, think, think again, then speak.  I didn’t understand my own advice when it first came to me.  It’s because I always felt the need to get my point across and I refused to either listen to what the other person had to say or worse I would just rip myself apart with my negative words.  I started to realize that if I wouldn’t allow someone to say the things I was saying about myself then I needed to put my own words in check.

So how do you get your mouth in check and stop, think, think again, then speak?  It’s sounds simple, but it takes discipline… bite your tongue. Not literally (unless that is the only thing that will keep you from spewing out negativity).  When you are about to speak, let your inner voice be your guide.  If you feel guilty for what you are about to say then stop, don’t say it.  If your inner voice feels like it’s on vacation then ask yourself how would you feel if someone said the same comment to you.  If it would hurt your feelings, cause you to get angry or not add value then don’t say it.

I’m not saying that everything we need to say is rainbows and butterflies, what I am saying is that if you can walk in wisdom and use discretion more often in your words you will have great success as a leader and in life.  Wisdom starts with your words, actions and deeds.  Don’t speak in a manner that makes you seem uneducated or vindictive.  Keep your words in check and watch your wisdom soar.  With wisdom and understanding you are able to accomplish feats that would shock you.

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