“You’re A Mean One Mr. Grinch”

It’s a festive time of year. We are celebrating special holidays and creating memories that will last a life time.  But, are you being a “Grinch?”  Are you someone’s joy killer?  Do you find that because you are miserable you are trying to make others around you miserable as well?  If this is you, then you need to let your heart grow 3 sizes and start embracing those around you with a loving and warm heart.

When we start to see the good in others and start to treat them as a person, we make them feel valued and important and we will also start to feel better about ourselves.  When we are capable of giving to others, we are able to receive so much in return.  It’s in the receiving that you are able to let your heart grow.  You can go from raining on everyone else’s parade to being the ray of sunshine they needed in their life at that time.  Being nice is easy!  Don’t believe me, start with a smile and a door hold.  Or better yet, acknowledge the next person you see by making eye contact and saying, “hello”.  Being nice doesn’t require great big acts, it just requires a conscious decision on your part to becoming a blessing to someone’s day.  Choose the path that used to be the norm, choose to be someone who is engaged in people around you in a positive manner.  In fact, help bring back manners and you will find that you too can help someone’s heart grow 3 sizes and go from being the Grinch to become a true gift giver.  Give the gift of kindness and joy, you never know how much it can help someone this holiday season.

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