What Do You Do When You Feel Stuck?

Are you feeling like life is moving by you, but you’re stuck in the same place?  If so, don’t panic, you’re just temporarily stuck.  You are lacking inspiration.  When you lack inspiration, you lack motivation

Inspiration is the spark that sets your entire world on fire.  Inspiration makes your goals and dreams come alive.  When you are inspired in life, you are going after your hopes and dream.  When you hit road blocks, inspiration will help you find a ladder to climb over whatever is holding you back.

How do you find inspiration and get back on track?  Easy, bribe yourself.  Everyone loves to feel like they have accomplished something and everyone wants to be rewarded when they do well.  It’s our animal instincts to want to please and be told how great we are. So take the time to reward yourself for when you do something that leads you one step closer to your goals.

What does the reward do? When you reward yourself you are engraining a positive thought along with an action that you took.  Your brain is wired to avoid pain and go for pleasure. So as you move forward and you reward yourself, your brain wants to receive those rewards more frequently. You will find that you are becoming inspired and you begin to act and take steps more frequently to try to accomplish your goal.

Just realize that as you begin to take action, not all actions will lead you on a direct straight line towards your goals.  Sometimes you will have to bob and weave some minor setbacks as you go after your desires. Don’t panic, embrace the path you are carving and get out your pen.  You are beginning to write one heck of a story of how you went from unmotivated and stuck to a goal achiever.  And to think, it all started with a simple reward that became your inspiration.

Get up and get motivated!

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