What Can a Coach Do For You?

A good sports coach will turn a great athlete into a legend.  Their job is to push and challenge the athlete beyond what they thought was possible.  They don’t let up when things are tough and they work them hard when things are going well. Great coaches are hard to find because they have to have the right balance between being a tyrant and a push-over.

Great coaches know instinctively when to make changes, either to a line-up or to a team.  They aren’t afraid to make the difficult decisions and they stick with them even if other people don’t see eye to eye with their decision.  Coaching takes guts.  Not everyone is meant to be a coach, some people are meant to be spectators.

If great coaches are so hard to find, why don’t we train more people to coach?  If you don’t have the right qualities to be a coach, at the end of the day you’ll end up being a weekend warrior coach and your desire to help will turn into a hindrance.  Don’t get upset if this has happened to you, you tried your best, but coaching might not be your calling.

If coaching isn’t your calling, then you need to stick with what you know best.  Refine your skills and talents and don’t settle until you are excellent at your craft.  Then find a coach that can work with you to make you an even better asset.  After all, like I said a great coach will turn you into a legend.

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