We’ve all heard the saying, “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.”  What if we are the ones to blame for fooling ourselves? What if we keep setting ourselves up for disaster?  Then the joke is on us.  We are the ones to blame for our constant failing and struggling.

What makes us the fool?

Even though we are to blame we want someone else to be at fault.  We naively look for someone to take the fall for the mistakes that we keep making.  We want a scape-goat that we can get angry with for our misfortunes.  The reality of it is, we are to blame.

Learn from your mistakes. Mistakes will keep being made and repeated until you learn from them.  Don’t allow that same mistake to keep being made over and over again and then expect a different result.  This is the definition of insanity; doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. You must start to change in order to see new results.  Stop being the court jester and looking ridiculous.  Start to act more like the king or queen and take charge or your life.

Taking charge of your life is powerful and empowering.  When you take charge and try new action steps you will get new results.  When actions change, results will change.  Don’t get frustrated if you don’t see the results immediately.  Change takes time.  You didn’t become the court jester overnight.

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