When did we decide it was better to publicly try to shame someone then to address the issue at hand?

Social media is great, but when we use it to bash someone for cutting us off in traffic or looking at us the wrong way, are we using it to the best of our ability?  Remember when we used social media to connect with long lost friends and loved ones?  To share pictures and common likes?  Instead, it seems that now we use it to take out our anger or launch a smear campaign against anyone who crosses our path and we don’t like what they have to say.

Go back to the golden rule- treat people as you would want to be treated.  Just be nice people!  Use kind words, think kind thoughts.  Stop being so cynical and downright rude.  Not everyone is out to get you, cause you harm, or make you look bad.  You are making yourself look bad when you decide to rant on your social media feed instead of taking it up with the person who you want to embarrass.

What can you do when you’re upset and want to take it to social media land?  Try breathing, meditating, calling a friend, or better yet, forgive.  When you can forgive the person who has done you wrong then you become the bigger person. You become the one in charge of the situation because you no longer allow someone to rain on your parade.  Put your phone down, turn off your computer and get out your party shoes, it’s time to enjoy your life and not let people affect the way you feel and how you react.

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