Stick to your Instincts

We have created a society that has dumbed down our senses.  We are no longer outside in nature experiencing all of its beauty and putting our senses to the test.  We aren’t running and jumping and playing like we used to.  In fact, we are so concerned with social media that we have forgotten general manners and face to face socialization skills.

Our primal instincts have nearly been forgotten all together.  We have taught ourselves to drown out one of the most important aspects of success and survival, our intuition.  The intuition is the inner voice we are all born with that keeps us safe and gives us inspiring ideas.  No longer tapping into our intuition on a daily basis has caused the voice to become quieter and quieter.

We have managed to turn our intuition into the shy kid that is avoiding being called on in class.  When it used to be like the kid that never raised their hand and would blurt out the correct answer even before the teacher finished the question.

So, how do we give a voice back to our intuition?  Try meditating!  Meditation quiets the mind and forces you to remove all outside distractions.  Once outside distractions are removed you can become one with yourself again.  The quieting of the mind is the freeing of you!

Start by spending 5 minutes in meditation then move to 30 minutes a day.  If you aren’t sure how to meditate then try a good guided meditation.  I personally prefer Vishen Lakhiani’s guided mediation that can be found on YouTube.  This was one way in which I learned to quiet my mind, visualize, ask for forgiveness and relax all at the same time.  I found that as I worked on my meditation skills more and more every day, I was finally able to enter into a deep meditation without anyone guiding me.  I was able to relax and tap into my natural instincts and hear my intuition loud and clear.

It’s time to drown out the noise and tap into you!

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