Have we set up a society where failure is now part of the status quo?

I have heard multiple people say that Thomas Edison had 1,000 failed experiments before he invented the light bulb.  Edison himself said, “”I have not failed 1,000 times.  I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb.”  Edison didn’t embrace his “failures” instead he saw his successes.  So, why are we so quick to celebrate our failures?  Is it because so many people accept failure and aren’t persistent in their pursuit of excellence?

Yes, every day I am rejected by potential clients or businesses, but at no point do I celebrate a rejection!  Instead, I use it as a learning experience.  I have learned to discover new ways NOT to present my material to clients.  I refuse to except failure, instead I ONLY accept learning and greater success.

I believe that if more entrepreneurs set out on a path of learning and embraced failure less than we would have more success in business and for that matter life.  Face it, with 80 % or 8 of 10 businesses failing in their first year and 50 % of American marriages ending in divorce, we as a society have embraced failing.  This is sad and shocking.

I have discovered that what sets me apart in business, life and in my marriage is I choose to embrace and expect success.  I have learned that you don’t get what you want, but you get what you expect.  So are you expecting success or have you embraced and accepted your own failure?

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