Face it, you’ve been in a movie and someone in front of you is texting, taking selfies, or scrolling through Instagram.  It is obnoxious and completely rude.  Yet, we are guilty of the same thing daily in some area of our life.  When you can put down your phone, you can open up your ability to think.

I’m not saying you can’t get great ideas from social media, what I am saying is that you need to stop drowning out the noise and start to listen to yourself think.  Thinking is what separates us from birds, cats, and dogs. We have the ability to think and act upon our thoughts.  When we get caught up in a cyber world, we start to lose our ability to think for ourselves.

If you can learn to silence your cell phone, you can begin to open up your mind again.  I’m asking you to try to turn off your phone for at least 20-30 minutes a day so that you can spend time with your own thoughts. So, don’t go pick up the remote and watch tv or turn on the radio.  Spend some time in silence.  You will be amazed at what you can learn and think by just giving yourself quiet time.

So, please silence your cell phones!

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