Have you noticed, that everything is being remade or remastered these days?  Are we that hard up for ideas that we no longer try to create something new?  If you want to know why very few people make a lot of money, it’s because of this reason alone.  Those that have to ideas are the very same ones who get paid the big bucks.  Ideas are money.  The better the idea and the more people you help, then the more money you can make.

Stop going retro and trying to redo an idea someone else had first.  Start to be an original.  Be your own Picasso.  Try to think outside the box!  Be different. Don’t always follow the crowd. Have the crowd follow you.  In a land of social media posts and wannabes, start to stand out from everyone else.

It’s not always easy to decide to be different.  But that is exactly what you are, different!  We are all born different.  Different gifts, different talents, and different interests.  As a teenager, I didn’t want to be different. I wanted the perfect body, the perfect clothes, the perfect hair, and the perfect image.  What’s funny is, now that I am getting older, I have come to realize my body is perfect for me, my image is perfect for me.  As long as I take care of myself, my body, my mind, and my soul then I am doing the very thing I was put here on Earth to do which is to be me.

There is only one me… thank goodness.  There is only one you, quit trying to be something or someone you aren’t.  Start being who you were created to be, YOU!

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