Meditation has been a life saver for me.  Literally, it has allowed me to become a calm and loving person again.  After a TBI seemed to keep me in a constant spiral of anger, explosive outburst and rage, I was able to calm myself and becoming loving again.  All it took was 20 minutes a day for me to gain peace and quiet.  My inner strength was able to shine, but it wasn’t easy for me in the beginning.  I was in a state of distraction.  I struggled to stay focused for 20 minutes.  So, after a few weeks of trying and failing, I decided to start with 5 minutes and slowly work my way up from there.  I have found that for me 20 minutes is a great power boost, keeps me refreshed and allows me to stay in a state of “inner peace”.

If you are just starting off, stay with it.  Don’t become discouraged if you get distracted.  Use helpful tools like HeadSpace or MindValley to find a meditation that works for you.  Using a guided mediation to help kick start your practice is an easier way to stay in your meditation longer.

Considering meditation- just start.  Today is the day to find the edge that has helped me take my life back and become a more productive person.

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