Lessons Learned from Kids

Did you know that when you put change in your car’s DVD player that it doesn’t pop out when you hit the eject button?

Did you know that Legos have magnets that are attracted to your bare feet?

Did you know that within 5 minutes of eating dinner it’s snack time?

Did you also know that kids are the best goal achievers?  Why, because they don’t limit their thinking and ability to accomplish the goals they are going after.  Kids are fantastic teachers.  I have learned that if the first answer is “no” then to keep asking until you get a “yes”.  If you are in sales do you follow that same philosophy?  If you are limiting yourself to a “no” answer then you are limiting your ability to accomplish and achieve your goals.

The reason kids are so good at accomplishing their goals is because they don’t let outside circumstances stop them from going after what they truly want or desire.  Kids are able to tap into their imagination and their creative side to come up with new techniques and ideas to achieve their dreams.

The fact of the matter is that most adults if not nearly all adults stop dreaming and taking risks.  One “no” or one negative friend’s opinion stops us in our tracks.  It’s time to pull the switch and jump to a new track.  Get off the track you have been on and create a new life for yourself.  The only person that is stopping you is YOU!  Get out of your way and tap into your inner child.  Don’t accept “no”, stop listening to the negativity and be a goal achiever.

After all, if my kids can do, so can you.

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