No really, go fly a kite. Reconnect to your inner child and spend time in nature.  Allow yourself to spend 15-20 minutes remembering the thrill of trying to get a kite in the air for the first time.  If you’ve never actually tried to fly a kite, then today is your day.  It’s time for you to go out and learn something new for the first time.  It’s time for you to feel the wind in your face and the tug of the kite string in your hand.  It’s time for you to feel a since of accomplishment as you catch the wind just right and your kite takes off and soars through the sky.

We need to reconnect to nature and the innocence of being a child.  It’s refreshing and good for the soul.  It keeps us in check and allows for us to grow as human beings.  I know that I am at my happiest when I can spend time with my kids “goofing” off and playing games.  It never fails that when I am in a sense of joy that amazing ideas flow to me and I feel like I could accomplish anything thrown my way.  You will be amazed as well once you start spending more time relaxing and in nature.  The time you spent will allow for you to become a greater asset to those around you because you will see you can be a much better problem solver.

So today is a great day for you to do fly a kite!

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