Have you ever watched gymnastics on television? It is beautiful, powerful and impressive. I am amazed at how often the young women performing flips, leaps and jumps are able to successful catch the bar, land on a 6-inch beam or stick a tumbling pass.

I thought nothing more of the skills they perform until I watched a practice and realized that these women are overcoming a primal instinct on a daily basis. They are constantly looking fear in the face and completing the skills and tasks given to them.

But what happens when they become frozen by fear? What happens when the skill they are trying to perform scares them enough that they stop trying? Do they quit? No, what I witnessed was the best way to overcome fear; they accept it, acknowledge it then decide to continue. The gymnast does skills they can perform without fear on a daily basis but they continue to try the fear-filled skill until they are no longer afraid of that skill. In the begin the attempts are ugly and shaky, but as they keep practicing eventually the skill they feared is seamless and flawless.

As I watched the fear progression take place, I realized this is the same way we need to deal with fear. Admit and accept that we are afraid then continue to try until we are no longer paralyzed by fear.

When you become frozen by fear are you capable of moving past your fear? When fear begins to overcome you will you be able to move forward?

How do you overcome fear? Take a deep breath and give it a go. If that doesn’t work, do what Simone Biles does, say to yourself, “1,2,3, oh well, just go for it!”

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