Enough Monkey Business…Get to Work!

A while back, my son had a shirt with a monkey carrying a brief case full of bananas and the caption read, “Monkey Business”.  I found the shirt to be hilarious, yet sadly true.  Too many times we are carrying around “stuff” and act as if we are working or that we are very busy.  The reality of it is, too many of us are busy but not productive.  We are busy with checking social media, getting caught in the drama of everyone else’s actions but we aren’t productive at completing tasks that can and will move us towards our goals.  Productive individuals are successful individuals.  They get up each day with an idea of what needs to be accomplished to move their company forward or to improve their stock in the company. The art of productivity is different than the act of doing things.

Productive individuals have a list of the top 3-5 things (or more) that they need to accomplish each day. They have a game plan and they stick to it every day.  They focus on completing a task before starting a new one.  Productive individuals get more done in a week than most people complete in a month.  So, are you productive or are you getting caught in “monkey business”?  Change your habits by analyzing the most crucial tasks and spend time getting those completed each day.  Time block and stick with your daily outline of events.  If you respond to emails in the morning from 9-10:30 then make sure people are aware that you take time in the morning to respond to emails.  Naturally, if a situation occurs that needs to be addressed immediately, you can respond, but don’t get caught responding to emails that aren’t in need of your immediate attention.  Time blocking and setting up a daily task lists are two simple techniques that can and will make you more productive; so, stop monkeying around and get to work!

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