Drama… I ain’t got time for that

Are you always the one getting the scoop or do you know the latest gossip?  If so, then you clearly are more focused on other people instead of yourself.  How can you start to achieve and go after your own goals when you are too concerned about other people?  Goal achievers are aware of their environment and surroundings but don’t get caught up in the daily drama.  They aren’t hanging around the water cooler or going to lunch with disgruntled co-workers.  Instead they are focused on the task at hand.  They are concerned with customer satisfaction and growing in their industry.

Gossip is like weed killer, it kills the best employees and makes them average at best.  If you love a good juicy story then find a way to curb your need to hear the gossip and focus on helping someone else instead of tearing them down.  Being a part of the gossip is being a part of the problem and not a part of the solution.  Be solution oriented and you will be asked to help solve more problems which will in turn increase your stock in your company.

If you own your company, then you should know first-hand that gossip is cancer.  It can kill a healthy organization.  As the leader of your company you need to focus on leaving everyone from your employees to your customers with the impression increase.  Remember, givers gain!  If you are giving nasty advice or speaking poorly about others then you will get exactly what you were putting out.  It may not come from the person you were speaking about or mistreating, but know that giving and receiving are a natural law.  What you put out will come back.  So make sure that you aren’t putting out drama…. “ain’t no one got time for that!”

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