In the beginning distractions come because you lack focus.  As you are becoming an “expert” on distraction pop ups because you have become content. Your drive for success and understanding has changed, you get complacent thinking you “know”.  In reality we don’t know as much as we think we do.

Do you have the power and self-control to make a decision?  Distractions come from lack of decision.  When you lack the ability and confidence to recognize the distraction and say NO to what you are facing then you keep the door open to be pulled off of your purpose.  Most people think distractions are things or people, in reality the only real distraction is YOU.  When you gain control of you, you are able to rid yourself of distractions.  You’re able to burn the ships and stay on track.  All distractions can be stopped by you.

Distractions pull you from the light and cover you in darkness.  They cause doubt, fear and worry; distractions are dream killers. Distractions are the weed killer designed to eliminate your seeds.  Distractions stop the growth of your seed and vision.  Distractions cause you to lose sight and lack vision.  Distractions are insecurities in disguise.  Quite often the very thing that you fear happening will show up as a distraction in your life.

So how do you move past the distraction?

Bring back your purpose. What is the very thing you are good at? Why did you begin in the first place? Get back to what drives you and motivates you.  Get back to you.  Stop worry about what others will think or what you might miss out on.  These things didn’t matter in the beginning, so why should they matter now?  Keep your eyes on your goals and your heart in it.

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