“I’m busy.”

“I just don’t have the time.”

It seems that these phrases are becoming the first things that come out of someone’s mouth if I ask how they are doing or if they would like to catch up.  It seems we are so busy being busy that we have stopped living.

It’s okay to work towards your goals, you should be working towards your passion.  It’s another if we are working so much that we forget that every single day is a gift.  We assume that we will get a tomorrow, but not all of us are that lucky.  We forget we are supposed to show gratitude towards life’s experiences.  In our action of being busy, we get caught up in the act of doing instead of being.  We forget we are supposed to be there for others, and better yet, we are supposed to be there for ourselves.  We are supposed to recharge our batteries every day. Yes, you read that correctly, every day we need to recharge.

Why recharge yourself? When you spend the time taking care of yourself after you are busy going after you goals, you will find that more inspiring ideas and actions come your way.  It’s in the recharge that we can renew our energy and refresh our ideas.

How do you recharge? Chill!  Seriously, sounds easy, but to a high drive personality taking it easy and not doing anything is practically torture.  High drive individuals assume that taking time to recharge their battery is slacking.  So much more could be done in that time of relaxing.  Naively, they assume that if you push through it you can power ahead. I can say that personally this was my thought process for YEARS.  It wasn’t until I was force to relax that I discovered that better ideas as well as an abundance of ideas came to me after I had spent 10, 15, or sometimes 20 minutes relaxing my mind in a meditation.  I discovered what it meant to actually chill out.

Are you someone who needs a forced chill break?  It’s easy to figure out if I’m talking to you.  Just ask yourself, when was the last time you sat down to do nothing? You didn’t sit to watch your favorite show, or eat dinner.  You sat down to do nothing other than to connect yourself to something bigger than you. If you’ve never done this, then you are missing out.  Chill time is the best time of my day now.  It energizes me and makes me refocused.  My chill time is a great way to boost my day and to allow the next big idea to enter my mind.

So, if you want to grow and have more inspiring ideas to lead you closer to your goals, follow my advice. “Chill Out!”

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