Are You Batman Or Robin?

“Holy Smokes Batman!!” Are you the leading star or are you the back up who is doing all of the behind the scenes actions? It’s okay if you aren’t always the star, your role is just as important as the star. Don’t confuse your role and responsibilities as less than important because you are the one working behind the scenes or making sure everything runs smoothly.

Whether you are a Batman or a Robin, you are contributing to the bigger piece of the puzzle. We all have a role and each role is just as important as the next. We fit together and are intertwined to make a scene beautiful. We solve problems together and often times we can be more creative in groups.

Groups have leaders and they have followers. To be a great leader, they themselves were great followers. To learn to lead we must learn to follow. Being able to follow is a skill. It means putting aside your agenda and helping Batman execute his/her plan. Followers must help with confidence and provide strength and support to the leader. Follow Robin’s lead, he always made sure Batman was protected and made sure he set him up for success.

So are you a Batman or are you a Robin? Are you a great leader or are you a great follower? Be prepared to step into your role and know that you are just as important as everyone else in the group. All roles might be different, but the outcome remains the same, to move the group forward. Don’t be a road block or speed bump because you are caught up in your title. Embrace your role and run with it!

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