Cancer and disease exist in our world. They are awful for those who have to experience the symptoms and treatments. We can either view cancer and disease as the end all, be all, or we can realize that the problem of cancer and other diseases creates an opportunity for solutions. These opportunities to create a solution often inspire others to go out and help. For example, the person who has experienced a parent or family member die or suffer from cancer then goes on to become a researcher, pharmacist, or doctor, because he wants to help find a solution for the disease. The hours of research were all inspired by the drive to find a cure for the disease. Often in these situations, we will experience our best worst moment. We are able to grow and flourish after we experience a very unpleasant and often painful situation.

As humans, we usually don’t look for a solution or find an answer until there is a problem. Problems create solutions. We are molded into the person we currently are, and come up with new inventions and ideas, when we are put under stress or pressure; just like a diamond. Pressure moments will help us if we are willing to look for solutions. Remember, facing a problem or health issue, such as cancer is not the same as being punished.  You are loved and supported.  Find those around you that can help and keep moving forward.

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