Don’t Wish for It, Work for It! Making 2020 Your Best Year Yet

Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen!

– Michael Jordan


Do you Wish?  Do you Want? Or Do you Work?

Richard Wiseman studied luck for ten years and what he found is lucky people generate their good fortune via four principles:

  • They are skilled at creating and noticing chance opportunities.
  • They make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition.
  • They create self-fulfilling prophesies via positive expectations.
  • They adopt a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good.


What size leaf do you live on?

“It is said of a bug that its world is only as large as the size of the leaf on which it lives, and many times it does not live long enough to consume the whole leaf. With man, if he lived according to the senses, the largest sense he possessed would be that of sight. Thus our whole world would extend only as far as we could see.”
          – Raymond Holliwell “Working With the Law”

  • You must go beyond what you currently see and combine wishing, wanting and working to achieve your goals.
  • Setting goals is the best way to combine our wishes and wants together as well as give us a set point to work towards.

Without goals a person is lost. It’s like a ship without a rudder or a boat without an oar.  Where are you going, what point are you aiming towards?


There are 3 types of goals:

A Type Goals – doing something you already know how to do.

B Type Goals – what you think you can do.

C Type Goals – your wants. What you really want.   Type C goals come are originated through the effective use of your imagination.

“If you’re trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”
– Michael Jordan


Get past the No

In sales and in life you will often hear ”NO” more than you hear “YES”.  Your job is to overcome the obstacle and objection and become a solution to your customer’s problem.  Everyone has a problem, the people that solve the problems are the ones who get paid the most.


Your ability to make money is based on the Law of Compensation

The Law of Compensation states:

Your ability to earn money is based on the following:

  1. The NEED for what you do
  2. Your ABILITY to do it
  3. The DIFFICULTY in replacing you

The better you make yourself at your job, the more difficult it will be in replacing you.  You have to remember that you must step up your game daily if you want to become an expert in your field or your job.


How does this apply to me? 

Your mind is a fertile garden!

Your subconscious mind can only accept what is given to it, it does NOT have the ability to reject.

”As you sow, so shall you reap.”

– Earl Nightengale


Why is this so important in my life? 

Science has proven that we have between 50,000-70,000 thoughts per day, this means between 35 and 48 thoughts per minute or a thought every second.

How many of your thoughts are negative?

Amazingly, 95 percent are the same thoughts repeated every day. On average, 80 percent of those habitual thoughts are negative.   (Cleveland Clinic Wellness)

  • What are you planting in your mind?
  • Are your thoughts serving you or are your thoughts keeping you from achieving your goals and going after your dreams?


Want to learn more? 

Contact Danielle at to learn about the exciting programs that can help you turn 2020 into a great year to achieve your goals.

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