What is strength?

The majority of the population views strength as physical ability.  In fact, I used to think strength was shown through sports, but what I’ve learned it that strength isn’t about muscles or physical ability.  True strength is being able to take action in the face of fear, doubt and worry.

It takes strength to step confidentially towards your goals when the rest of the world is telling you that it can’t be done.  Strength becomes empowering with the more action steps you take towards your goal.  The reason you increase your strength is because you increase your self-confidence every day.  Self-confidence is critical, because as you step out to achieve your goals you will have moments where it feels like things aren’t going your way.  It almost seems at time that you get “stuck”, but it’s the strength that you have developed and are continuing to develop that will lead you out of the plateau.  Strength will allow you to continue to climb to the top of the mountain you are trying to conquer.

Each of us will take different paths on our way to our goal and that is the beauty of achieving our goals.  The stronger you are and the greater your self-confidence, the faster you will start to achieve your goals.  Remember strength is a gift, develop your gift and learn how to step confidently towards your goals.  So the next time you think of strength, think of the goal achievers in your life or better yet, look inside yourself and see the true value of strength.  Become strong, become confident, become a goal achiever!!


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