Danielle Sunderhaus is a goal setter and goal achiever. From the age of 15, when she first made the US Women’s national Soccer Team until today she has set big lofty goals and achieved her goals along the way. From the ages of 15-23 Danielle played with the US Women’s National Soccer Team, played collegiate soccer at UNC, won 2 National Championships, was a first-round draft pick for the Women’s United Soccer Association (WUSA).
She offers highly professional coaching to individuals, families, and businesses. She is an expert in achieving results in any area of your life both personally and professionally. She will work with you to help you create worthy goals so that you can breakthrough your limiting behaviorsand live the life that you have always wanted.
Danielle also works with you on setting your goals and visions, whether that is a goal of creating more wealth, freedom of time, finding and living your purpose, stepping up on the career ladder, starting or building a business or finding inner peace. She has the knowledge, guidance and the expertise and know how to achieve success by making quantum leaps.
A car accident flipped her entire world around and Danielle was able to see the purpose to her life. She went from focusing on her own goals to focusing on teaching and showing others how to set and achieve goals and dreams. She learned how to make quantum leaps and teach others to turn their dreams into a reality. Danielle works with Paradigms, which are a multitude of habits, that govern every move we make. They govern our communication, our work habits, our successes and our failures. Negative and faulty paradigms are why a high percentage of the population keeps getting the same results, year in and year out.
Danielle has created her own program I AM, which creates a faith based culture that promotes growth in a positive environment where each individual will feel supported and able to take back their life and achieve their goals. She is also the author and publisher of Dear God, Why Do $#*!!Y Things Happen?, a book about pulling yourself out of the discouragement of a disaster and learning how to cope, move on and stop blaming God for your circumstance.
Professional Coaching
Goal Setting
Motivating Keynote Speaker
Danielle Sunderhaus is a cognitive authority on getting results in business and in life!
Danielle has an amazing story! She doesn’t just talk the talk, she is living proof that anything is possible. Danielle has a unique perspective on what it takes to change your results. If you are looking for an entertaining and motivating keynote speaker, then contact Danielle.
Keynote Topics:
The Importance of Defining your I AM
The Power of A Goal
Goal Setting and Achieving: Finally living the life of your dreams
Danielle’s Next Event:
Email admin@daniellesunderhaus.com for more information on upcoming events
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